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The auto-pay feature is available for making monthly, direct debit Utility Bill payments from your bank account of choice.

Selecting the Utility Billing Files tab at the right moves you to a sign-in screen for entering your account number and customer ID. That takes you to the search results screen for your account where you can select Manage Bills to the right. At the top of the Managed Bills screen, a link labeled Sign-up for Automatic Payments will allow you to enter your bank account information, that will be encrypted for security purposes. From that time forward, all future Utility Bills will be created as automatic payment bills and payment will be deducted directly from your bank account on the bill due date each month.

Individual online Property Tax and Utility Bill payments can be made by using the City of Plattsburgh Real Property Tax Files tab or the Utility Billing Files tab located in the menu at the right.

The shopping cart feature is functional for making a payment by credit card or e-check for either type of bill individually, or for paying both types of bills in a single payment.

Online tax data is not intended to replace the City Chamberlain or City Assessor official records. Tax records may not reflect un-posted payments, changes in ownership, omitted taxes or other unknown events. In order to make full payment, use the total amount listed for each tax bill which includes the tax and any interest, fees or penalties. Online payments made by using the shopping cart for payment processing, once you've reviewed all of your accounts for bills to add to the shopping cart, will be processed through the City's payment merchant, NCR, and a payment confirmation can be printed by or emailed to you upon completion of the payment process. Please contact the Finance Office at (518) 563-7704 with any property tax or utility bill questions or for payment assistance. Thank You